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"In order for diversity, equity, and inclusion to feel natural; they must first be implemented intentionally."       -Dr. Kris

You're Not the Boss of Me!



In far too many instances, information presented in today’s leadership training programs focuses not so much on how to be a leader but about how to handle situations in adherence to company policy. This approach to preparing leaders does not afford the individual an opportunity to think independently or make unscripted decisions suitable for a volatile work environment. In fact, you may have found that previous “leadership” (including management or supervisory) training did not transition easily from organization to organization or even team to team. You’re Not the Boss of Me! A Guide to Leadership Development is a realistic guide that focuses on you, the individual leader.


How would you describe your leadership skills?


Do you see yourself as a leader or just a person in a leadership position?

You’re Not the Boss of Me! A Guide to Leadership Development will help you identify who you are as a leader. Topics covered include: employee motivation, active listening, constructive criticism (feedback), conflict resolution, and much more!

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​DIVERSITY: The 9-Letter Dirty Word talks about the culture that surrounds the concepts of diversity. It discusses how organizations perceive these notions as a chore to get done with and how their commitments to diversity are extremely shallow. It educates individuals and organizations alike about practices to ensure that their workspace is safe, accepting, and diverse. The activities after each chapter also provide a space for readers to engage in self-reflection and helps ensure that readers can relate their learnings to real life scenarios.


"...this is not a traditional business book on the topic of diversity. Diversity9 is an introduction to the topic of diversity."

For book bulk orders contact me. 

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